Exhibition: Tirana

14.09.2023 Albania

Foodprint visits Tirana, where it will be hosted at the  Tulla Culture Center in collaboration with the Goethe Institut!
The exhibition will be accompanied by photography workshops, documentary screenings and special events- stay tuned!

Tulla Culture Center
Hiqmet Delvina, Nd. 4, Hyrja 2,
Tirana, AL 1000

Tulla Culture Center


Exhibition: Athens

14.09.2023 Greece

Foodprint is arriving to Athens, where it will hosted at the mezzanine floor of the The National Museum of Contemporary Art Athens- EMST.  The exhibition will be helf from 14 September to 29 October in collaboration with the museum’s education department. Stay tuned for special events, documentary screenings and workshops!

Kallirrois ave. & amvr. Frantzi str.
(former Fix factory)
Athens, 11743, Greece

Exhibition: Thessaloniki

06.06.2023 Grecia

Foodprint continues it journey to Thessaloniki as part of Thessaloniki Design Week 2023, with the theme Design & Gastronomy, in collaboration with the Goethe-Institut.

The exhibition will be hosted at the Former Nursery Station at the Port of Thessaloniki from the 6th June until the 11th of June 2023, and will continue at the Goethe-Institut premises from June 14th until the 30th of June.

Former Nursery Station ‘The Glass House’
Navarchou Votsi, Thessaloniki 546 25
See it on map

Goethe-Institut Thessaloniki
Leof. Vasilissis Olgas 66, Thessaloniki 546 42
See it on map

Photography Workshop

04.02.2023 Italy

A 2-day photography workshop at the Santa Giulia Museum, with acclaimed photographer Chris de Bode.
The fist day of the workshop, includes an introduction to photographic techniques as well as an outdoor photographic excursion in three local restaurants. The second day of the workshop is spent analysing the images produced and discussing the creation of a visual narrative.

Photo workshop

01.02.2023 Grecia

2-day photography workshops on the theme of the Mediterranean diet, for children aged 13-16, will take place under the guidance of award-winning photographer Myrto Papadopoulos.

Starting with personal stories that highlight the importance of food in their daily lives, participants will be encouraged to connect photography with nutrition. They will create a series of images that will be presented and discussed within the group, encouraging the expression of ideas and feelings within a creative process. At the end of the workshop, participants will choose a photograph that will be presented at the National Museum of Contemporary Art ΕΜΣΤ in autumn 2023, as part of a collective project created on the occasion of the “Foodprint” exhibition.

Dates and details to be announced soon!

Mostra fotografica: Nicosia

19.01.2023 Cipro

La mostra fotografica è ospitata dal Museo della Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, che si trova nel cuore della città vecchia di Nicosia.

La mostra è affiancata da attività didattiche, workshop di fotografia ed eventi speciali, e co-organizzata con il Cyprus Food Museum.

Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation
86-90 Phaneromenis Str., 1011 Nicosia, Cyprus

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Attività per le scuole: Brescia

10.01.2023 Italia

Attività per le scuole prevedono la visita alla mostra foodprint.

Gli eventi in programma >>>

Attività & eventi: Brescia

10.01.2023 Italia

A corollario della mostra FOODPRINT un ricco programma di eventi che coinvolgono molti partner del territorio e non:
Roberto Abbadati, Chris De Bode, Cinema Nuovo Eden, Coldiretti Brescia, Cuocadè, ENAC Lombardia CFP Canossa, IlVespaio, Sistema Bibliotecario Urbano del Comune di Brescia, Slowfood Brescia.

Gli eventi in programma >>>

Mostra fotografica: Brescia

09.01.2023 Italia

La mostra fotografica è ospitata presso il Museo di Santa Giulia.

Sito UNESCO, Santa Giulia è parte del polo museale Brescia Musei che spazia dall’epoca romana al XX secolo, ed è il più visitato del Nord Italia.

Nell’ambito di Foodprint, verrà organizzato per le scuole e i visitatori più giovani uno speciale programma educativo sul cibo nell’antichità.

Herbs & Spices of the Med

03.12.2022 Turchia

Author, historian, gardener and spice enthusiast Nazlı Pişkin, invites you to a journey through Mediterranean cuisine with a special focus on fragrant herbs and spices. Workshop participants will discover the importance of herbs and spices in the Mediterranean diet, how they were used in different periods and civilizations, cooking techniques and more…

Culinary walk

01.12.2022 Turchia

Culinary Backstreets put together a dining guide inspired by Foodprint. Check out the photography exhibition at SALT Beyoglu and then head out into the streets armed with our dining guide to see how the Mediterranean Diet is alive in the backstreets of Istanbul!


Art in the office

24.11.2022 Grecia

A limited selection of the foodprint photographs is displayed at the offices of the Goethe-Institut Athen, in a small scale exhibition curated by Stamos Michael.

A limited number of visitors will have the opportunity to get a sneak-peek of the major exhibition which will presented at the Museum of Contemporary Art Athens ΕΜΣΤ in October 2023.


Raccolta di Fotografie

16.10.2022 Mondo

Foodprint ha lanciato una raccolta di fotografie il 16 ottobre 2022, in concomitanza con la Giornata Mondiale dell’Alimentazione.

Fotografi non professionisti di ogni età e di tutto il mondo sono invitati a inviare le loro opere, corredate da titolo e didascalia, entro il 16 ottobre 2023. Il tema prescelto, non vincolante, è “Food Heroes” (eroi dell’alimentazione). Ogni partecipante può inviare un massimo di 5 fotografie, che verranno pubblicate sulle pagine Instagram e Facebook di Foodprint. Le fotografie saranno oggetto di una mostra collettiva presso l’ΕΜΣΤ Museo Nazionale di Arte Contemporanea di Atene, a ottobre 2023.

email: [email protected]

Open Sandwich Workshop

16.10.2022 Turchia

An Open Sandwich Workshop -on the occasion of the World Food Day- is organised by Cevahir Akbaş, photographer and founder of the alternative food blog Kavanoz Studio. Participants design open sandwiches with plant-based ingredients that are part of the Mediterranean food culture. Aiming to produce alternatives to the recipes we are accustomed to, the workshop explores the unlimited transformations of food through improvisation and creativity.

The workshop is held in the Kitchen area of ​​Salt Beyoğlu on Sunday, October 16 at 14.00 and 16.00. Workshop participants are not required to bring materials.

Salt Beyoğlu
İstiklal Caddesi 136
Beyoğlu 34430 İstanbul Türkiye
Show on map
T +90 212 377 42 00

Mostra fotografica: Istanbul

14.10.2022 Turchia

Foodprint è stata inaugurata nell’edificio ottocentesco che ospita SALT Beyoğlu.
Istituzione d’arte contemporanea fondata nel 2011, SALT esplora temi cruciali e attuali della cultura visiva e materiale, e sviluppa programmi innovativi nella ricerca e nel pensiero sperimentale.
L’inaugurazione di Foodprint a Istanbul ha coinciso con la Giornata Mondiale dell’Alimentazione indetta dall’ONU (16 ottobre) e con una serie di eventi organizzati da SALT intorno al cambiamento climatico e alla sostenibilità. La mostra a Istanbul è arricchita dagli scatti del fotografo turco Cansu Yıldıran.
FAI CLIC QU per vedere le fotografie di Cansu.

Salt Beyoğlu
İstiklal Caddesi 136
Beyoğlu 34430 İstanbul Türkiye

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T +90 212 377 42 00