educational programmes

Documentary: The Perfect Meal


A documentary seeking to understand why and how the Mediterranean Diet is good for our health, and for the health of our planet. The film is available for educational screenings (contact:

Find out more about the film HERE.

  • Ages

A Daily Meal in Ancient Greece


This lesson plan is part of the educational kit OUR DIET: FROM ANTIQUITY TO TODAY.

It explores the diet of the ancient Greeks through videos, photographs and activities, aiming to understand the role of food in history and our daily lives.

How has our diet changed from antiquity until today? Why is a plant-based diet, as eaten in antiquity and across the centuries, the most healthy and sustainable?

Click to download the lesson plan >>>

Eating in Ancient Rome


A power point presentation about how, where and what the Ancient Romans ate, based on the unique archaeological finds of the Brescia Museums and Pompeii. The presentation can be used by teachers before visiting the Santa Giulia Museum or as part of a history lesson about everyday life in Ancient Rome.

Click to download the documents >>>

Photographing my Mediterranean ‘Food Hero’


Foodprint in collaboration with the National Museum of Contemporary Art Athens (ΕΜΣΤ), WWF Greece and the Centre of Environmental Education in Ierapetra-Neapolis, invites educators and their students (12-18 years old) to submit portraits related to Mediterranean Diet. The photos will be presented at ΕΜΣΤ in Athens, in October 2023. From grandmothers, farmers and cooks to their local grocer, we want to see images of people who directly affect our relationship with food and our nutritional footprint.

Learning Objectives:

* Teach participants what the Mediterranean Diet is and its relationship with health and sustainability and identify which individuals and dietary choices enable participants to eat the ‘Mediterranean’ way.

* Familiarize students with basic photographic techniques for creating a portrait and a visual narrative.

The open call is accompanied with the following educational materials:

* A presentation about the relationship between food and the environment, created by WWF Greece as part of the #Eat4Change campaign, for use in the classroom. The presentation is accompanied by a teacher’s guide.

* A guide for students on how to photograph  a portrait.

*  A guardian permission form for participation in the open call.

Participation rules and submission here

  • Ages

Photography Workshop


Photography workshop participants are invited, through hands-on sessions with professional photographers, to create works based on  the theme of the Mediterranean Diet. The workshops’ central theme is “Food Heroes” and subjects can include people working in markets, home and restaurant cooking, agricultural activities, farm to fork initiatives, migrant communities etc. 

The workshops aim to encourage young people to discover the values of the Mediterranean Diet, to make a connection between art and food and to communicate the ideas of cultural heritage, health and sustainability.

Open the pdf for an overview of the workshop format.

Online Game | Something Ancient’s Cooking


An Εducation Dietary Journey in Ancient Cyprus

A digital educational programme addressed to children aged 10-12, the programme explores aspects associated with nutrition in Cyprus in antiquity as an inextricable part of the Mediterranean cultural heritage. Raw materials incorporated into dietary habits, food processing, utility vessels for storing, consuming, serving and carrying food, as well as banquets and daily meals, are explored through interactive storytelling which serves as an invitation to a journey across time.
The initiative has been designed in such way as to provide a multisensory experience and encourage children to engage with the past, the present and the future of their nutrition and dietary habits in the broader context of cultural, social and environmental parameters.
The interdisciplinary design of the programme opens it up to interconnections with the school curriculum and to a variety of subjects, for instance History, Art Education, Health Education, Language and Culture, Environmental Education and Education for Sustainability.
Created by the Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation and the Cyprus Food and Nutrition Museum in association with Foodprint.

  • Languages Greek English
  • Ages 10-12
  • Download MORE INFO
